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Davis McCarn Technology Award

What is the Davis McCarn Technology Award?    

Davis McCarn was a chair of the Montgomery County Library Board. He was employed at the National Library of Medicine, where he managed the development of MEDLINE, the first nationwide online health-related database.   He was chair of Citizens for Maryland Libraries, a member of the Sailor Governance Board, and led PUBLIUS, a state political action committee for the promotion of libraries. McCarn passed away in 2001. The award is presented in recognition of outstanding effort to use technology to improve library service in Maryland.

Who is eligible

Any library staff member, Library Trustee, or advocate is eligible.

How to apply:

Nominations are made by current and former CML Board members or other interested individuals. The application requires an essay of up to 500 words describing the achievements in improving library service in Maryland. It should include a brief description of the technology and its use, as well as the nominee's work and/or volunteer experience in Maryland libraries.


January 31, 2025, by 11:59PM. The application should be submitted to the CML Awards Committee by email at cml@citizensformarylandlibraries.org

Past Recipients:
2023No award


Carla Moore, Prince George's Memorial Library System 
2021Jen Bishop, Carroll County Public Library 
2020 No award 
2019Digital Curation Innovation Center, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland 
2018Liz Sunderman 
2017Steve Potash, President and Chief Executive Officer, Overdrive 
2016John Courie, Caroline County Public Library 
2015Dr. Claude Walston, University of Maryland 
2014Tracy Carroll, Western Maryland Regional Library and
Louise LeTendre, Harford County Public Library Board of Trustees 
2013Stuart Ragland and
Michael Walsh, Sailor Network 
2012Carroll County Public Library eReader Team
Bryan Hissong
Christina Kuntz
Patty Sundberg 
2011Jill Craig, Western Maryland Regional Library 
2010Maurice Coleman, Harford County Public Library 
2009Craig Abresch, Eastern Shore Regional Library 
2008Nini Beegan 
2007Joseph A. Thompson, Jr. 
2006No award 
2005Bob Kuntz, Carroll County Public Library 
2004Michael Osborne, CML Board Member & former staff member of the Maryland Department of Education Division of Library Development and Services 
2003Patricia Wallace, Enoch Pratt Free Library 
2002Scott Reinhart, Carroll County Public Library 
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